Gates and guests

Gate hours

For reasons of security it is essential that the College is kept secure during the night.

Normally the main gates in Regent Street are shut from 8.00pm until 6.00am but pedestrian access is always available via your University Card

The gate at the south end of the Paddock leading to Lensfield Road and the Howard Gate into the Downing site can be opened by your University Card  There is no public right of way through the College.

Access to College houses after midnight is not encouraged. 

Security and personal safety within College is a shared responsibility. Every student should take suitable steps to ensure their safety both in College and when out in the town.

Guests in College

Students are welcome to bring guests into College. Any guests intending to stay overnight should be signed-in at the Porters' Lodge on arrival. The host assumes responsibility for the behaviour of their guests whilst they are  on College premises and are also required to personally escort their guests to the Gates when they leave. Guests not staying overnight are required to have left College by 12.45am and College houses by midnight.

It is of the greatest importance that there be minimal noise in the College and College houses in the evenings and at night. Many resident members of the College will wish to work or sleep at these times.

The College authorities take a serious view of disruption to the working life of the College through noise or unruly behaviour.

Undergraduate students may have guests overnight, up to a limit of two nights per stay subject to the following:

• During each Full Term, overnight guests may stay in an undergraduate’s room for no more than three nights out of any seven, and for no more than sixteen nights in total.

• During the period of residence outside of Full Term, overnight guests may stay in an undergraduate’s room for no more than three nights out of any seven.

You must not accommodate a guest in your room if you are absent.
You are responsible for the behaviour of your guests whilst they are on College property, including any disruption or damage that they may cause.

For the duration of your guest’s stay, housekeeping staff must be granted access to your Room.
You must ensure guests behave in a manner respectful to other students resident in College, particularly with reference to shared facilities.