How the College works
More information on the Downing College community.
The College aims to provide a safe, enjoyable setting in which the diverse College community can go about their work, study and relaxation in peace and security. An agreed set of regulations can go a long way towards maintaining that environment.
Follow these links for detailed information on specific policies regarding life at Downing College.
Cases of nuisance and disorder, whether in the College or outside it, damage to College property and infringements of College rules, are the responsibility of the College Dean of Discipline. The College Dean has the authority to issue a warning, impose fines or to agree another outcome as they deem fit. The role of the College Dean is currently held by Professor Rob Harle.
You will find useful information in our Accommodation Handbook, intended to promote a shared understanding of what you can expect during your time staying in College accommodation and, in return, what is expected of you.