LLB (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, summa cum laude), LLM (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, cum laude), PhD (Geneva Graduate Institute, summa cum laude with special commendation)
Throughout my academic career, I have been interested in the exciting possibilities that arise when looking at international law, international relations, and feminist/queer studies from a transdisciplinary perspective. This interest has allowed me to explore how we can employ a feminist and queer sensitivity to destabilise and reconstruct foundational concepts of the international legal discipline and practice. In my doctoral thesis, this interest has pushed me to develop a specific grammar to understand how people identify and construct international legal norms—especially those related to gender concerns—, where I focused on three cases: (1) the Women, Peace and Security agenda of the UN Security Council; (2) the Yogyakarta Principles on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Rights; and (3) the non-definition of gender in the draft Convention on Crimes Against Humanity. For that, instead of taking the non-binding, sometimes ‘weird’ format of those norms as ‘failed’ attempts at creating international legal rules, I zoomed in on the different setbacks, strategies, and relative successes feminist and queer transnational activists have faced when attempting to those norms as legal in their own terms. This called for an empirically grounded research on international legality, as opposed to the often theoretically-heavy approach employed to study it.
Aside from my feminist/queer exploration of international legality, I have also contributed to research projects on diversity and representation in the international judiciary, queer approaches to international legal methods, as well as decolonial practices in feminist academic publishing.
I am currently working on a monograph proposal derived from my doctoral research.
- 2023 – Awarded a doc.mobility grant from Swissuniversities to pursue a Visiting Research Student program at SOAS School of Law, Gender and Media
- 2019 – Awarded a full scholarship from the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists to pursue a PhD in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute
- 2017 – Awarded a Vrije Universiteit Fellowship Programme to pursue an LLM in Law and Politics of International Security
- 2016 – Awarded an academic merit medal for achieving the highest academic index of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Law Class of 2016.2.
Santos de Carvalho, J. ‘Doing legality as doing drag: the Yogyakarta Principles and the productive power of performing international law-making’. London Review of International Law.
Santos de Carvalho, J. ‘Under the shadow of legality: shadow hauntology on the legal construction of the Women, Peace and Security agenda’. Leiden Journal of International Law.
Published journal articles
Santos de Carvalho, J. (2022). ‘The powers of silence: making sense of the non-definition of gender in international criminal law’. Leiden Journal of International Law 35 (4), 936–985.
Holzer, L, Schramm, B, Santos de Carvalho, J, and Beury, M. (2023). ‘An introduction to International Law Dis/oriented: Sparking queer futures in international law’. Australian Feminist Law Journal 49 (1), 1–15.
Santos de Carvalho, J and Uriburu, J. (2022). ‘Problematising diversity: the changes that international lawyers (do not) want for international courts’. London Review of International Law 10 (3), 391–425.
Schramm, B, Santos de Carvalho, J, Beury, M, and Holzer, L. ‘Doing queer in the everyday of academia: reflections on queering a conference in international law’. AJIL Unbound 116, 16–21.
Santos de Carvalho, J. (2018). ‘A “male” future? An analysis of gendered discourses regarding lethal autonomous weapons systems’. Amsterdam Law Forum 10 (2), 41–61.
Working papers
Santos de Carvalho, J and Oliveira Beghelli, C. (2021). ‘Everyday decolonialities of feminist publishing: a social cartography’. IHEID Gender Centre Working Paper 14/2021.
Blog posts
Juliana Santos de Carvalho, ‘On Being Disappointed at Judge Julia Sebutinde’s Dissent’ (Opinio Juris, 16 February 2024).