The Brammer Geographical Society embarked on their annual Geography Fieldtrip to Sheringham on the North Norfolk Coast from the 14th to 16th of October. The fieldtrip provided the society with the opportunity to conduct fieldwork in an informal manner outside the confines of the Geography course, allowing us to explore geographical themes relevant to the North Norfolk coast.
Our main purpose of the trip was to analyse the depositional sequences within the cliffs between Sheringham and Cromer in order to uncover the geologic past of the region through the Quaternary which we did by walking along the coast between Sheringham and Cromer and identifying sedimentary sequences at the bases of the cliff. We were able to identify a sequence of Anglian-age deposits (image to the right) which transitioned from pre-glacial deposits (the Cromer Forest Bed Series) to glacial deposits (Anglian tills) and then to post-glacial deposits, indicating the advance and retreat of an ice sheet over East Anglia during the Quaternary.
“The fieldtrip to the Norfolk coast provided a great opportunity to understand coastal processes and formations throughout geologic history. Due to the close proximity to the beginning of term, the trip allowed us to get to know the other geographers, giving us a glimpse into what was to come, as well as making some great new friends” – Jed Soleiman (1st Year)
The trip also provided existing students with the opportunity to get to know the new 1st year geographers and an opportunity for the 1st year geographers to get to know the Downing geography students in the upper years. The fieldtrip therefore helped to promote bonding between members of the society and as a result, it has allowed us to become a really friendly society. Overall the trip was hugely successful both on an academic and social point of view.
“The field trips that Downing have put on in the past couple of years have been an amazing opportunity to get to know many of the geographers here from different years, as well as a great chance to witness the passion and depth of knowledge that each geographer possesses. For example, on our recent trip to Norfolk, we were lucky to have been accompanied by our PhD candidate Thomas Chudley, who exuded high quality knowledge of the coasts. For the first years, he provided good first-hand experience on the future concepts that they may face in the course, whilst for the rest of us, it was wonderful to see the true calibre of Downing’s geographers in action in the field” – Simon Pang (2nd Year)
Everyone on the trip found the experience really enjoyable and we hope to continue running the trip in following years.
“The annual Downing geography field trip is always a highlight of Michaelmas term. I have thoroughly enjoyed all three trips I have been on, and this year was no exception. It was a great trip which provided an insight into the geological history and coastal processes of the Norfolk coast, allowing me to apply theories I had learnt in lectures to a real world setting” – Lauren Whiteley (3rd Year)
Published on 9 November 2016.