We are delighted that Trevor Robbins, Angharad Dodds John Fellow in Mental Health and Neuropsychiatry at Downing College and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, has been elected to receive the 2017 Goldman-Rakic Award.
The late Patricia Goldman-Rakic was an inspiring and pioneering neuroscience investigator at Yale University researching the functions of the frontal lobes of the brain and discovering its links to the key cognitive process of 'working memory'.
In announcing the award, Jack D. Barchas, M.D., the Chair of the Patricia Goldman Rakic Prize Committee, wrote that the work of Professor Robbins, "aligns beautifully with the accomplishments, hopes, and dreams of the late Professor Patricia Goldman-Rakic."
There will be a Welcome Dinner and an International Awards Dinner held to honor all Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Outstanding Achievement Prizewinners as well as a Symposium in late October 2017. The prize involves an award of $40,000 and the expectation that the award recipient will provide a lecture at Yale University, where Dr. Goldman-Rakic worked for so many years.
Published 26 June 2017.