My research work falls broadly in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and its applications to Neuroscience. MRI is a non-invasive medical imaging technique which allows us to study both brain anatomy and function in-vivo. So we can for example study how the brain changes as a particular pathology progresses, or how different areas of the brain engage as we perform a particular motor or cognitive task. My work mainly focuses on the development of methods for quantification of MRI images. For example, one of my recent projects used two different MRI modalities and machine learning methods to develop diagnostic models for differentiating Parkinson's disease from atypical forms of Parkinsonism. There is a pressing need for reliable biomarkers to differentiate these disorders, not only to aid diagnosis in early cases, but to monitor progression in trials and to support ante mortem studies of pathogenesis.
Correia M.M., Rittman T., Barnes C.L., Coyle-Gilchrist I.T., Ghosh B., Hughes L.E., Rowe J.B. (2020) Towards accurate and unbiased imaging based differentiation of Parkinson’s Disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Syndrome. Brain Communications.
Huang P., Carlin J., Henson R.N.A., Correia M.M. (2020) Improved motion correction of submillimetre 7T fMRI time series with boundary-based registration (BBR). Neuroimage.
Huang P., Carlin J., Alink A., Kriegeskorte N., Henson R.N.A., Correia M.M. (2018) Prospective Motion correction improves the sensitivity of fMRI pattern decoding. Human Brain Mapping.
Schmitz T.W., Correia M.M., Ferreira C., Prescott A., Anderson M.C. (2017) Hippocampal GABA enables inhibitory controls over unwanted thoughts. Nature Communications.
Geva S.*, Correia M.M.*, Warburton, E. (2015) Contributions of bilateral white matter to chronic aphasiasymptoms as assessed by diffusion tensor MRI. Brain and Language. (* Joint first authors)
Newcombe V.F.J., Correia M.M., Williams G.B., Abate M.G., Outtrim J.G., Chatfield D., Geeraerts T., Manktelow A., Garyfallidis E., Pickard J.D., Sahakian B.J., Hutchinson P.J., Coles J.P., Menon D.K. (2015) Dynamic evolution of temporal changes in traumatic brain injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair.
Henriques R.N., Correia M.M., Nunes R. G., Ferreira H.A. (2015) Exploring the 3D Geometry of the Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor - Impacts on the Development of Robust Tractography Procedures and Novel Biomarkers. Neuroimage.
Weiskopf N., Suckling J., Williams G.B., Correia M.M., Inkster B., Tait R., Ooi C., Bullmore E.T., Lutti A. (2013) Quantitative multi-parameter mapping of R1, PD*, MT and R2* at 3T: a multi-center validation. Frontiers in Brain Imaging Methods.
Garyfallidis E., Brett M., Correia M.M., Williams G.B., Nimmo-Smith I. (2012) QuickByndkes, a method for tractography simplification. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Volume 6, Article 175.
Rae C.L., Correia M.M., Altena E., Hughes L.E., Barker R.A., Rowe J.B. (2012) White matter pathology in Parkinson's disease: The effect of imaging protocol differences and relevance to executive function. NeuroImage, 62(3), 1675-84.
Correia, M.M., Newcombe,V., Williams, G.B. (2011) Contrast-to-noise ratios for indices of anisotropy obtained from diffusion MRI: A study with standard clinical b-values at 3T. NeuroImage, 57(3), 1103-1115.
Correia M.M., Carpenter T.A., Williams G.B. (2009) Looking for the optimal DTI acquisition scheme given a maximum scan time: are more b-values a waste of time? Magn Reson Imaging 27(2):163-75.