Postgraduate return of College Surety
Return of College Surety upon completion of your course
To enable College to consider the return of your College Surety it is essential that before you leave you apply via our online Student Forms portal.
Apply for your return of College Surety if you are a Postgraduate Student and have had notification from the University of the completion of your studies, or the withdrawal from your course, and you are seeking a return of your surety from College. Therefore only apply if your CamSIS record indicates you are no longer a current student at Cambridge.
Therefore please ONLY complete the form if you have competed your course of study and are leaving the University and no longer require access to any College, University or Department facilities via the use of your College University card.
You will be expected to have returned your University card to the Tutorial Office.
Please note your College Surety is not wholly linked to accommodation you may have had in College but also to any College or University bills you may have outstanding.
Your application will be considered by your College Tutor, College Library, Porters' Lodge, Housekeeping, Tutorial Office and Bursary. If your application is progressed successfully through all stages, within 10 further working days the Bursary will arrange for you to be reimbursed by BACS to your nominated bank account.
If you have any questions about applying or any concerns with your application please email: