University-wide and External Financial Support

There are many different sources of financial support available offered by the University of Cambridge and more widely.  

In advance of applying, please let your Tutor know if you are making any application for funding. If your Tutor is not available, you may contact the Tutorial Office for advice or to make an appointment to discuss your situation with the Academic Registrar -

University of Cambridge Financial Assistance Support information.

Postgraduate Loans

Loans are available for Postgraduate students to apply for to assist with costs. 

Undergraduate Finance applications

You may be able to borrow money to help pay for tuition fees and to help with living costs. You might get extra money on top of this, for example, if your household is on a low income and/or you have a disability. You may be able to get student finance even if you are not from the UK.

Cambridge Bursary for Undergraduate students

There is no separate application for the Cambridge Bursary. If you’re eligible, you are automatically considered when you apply for a student loan through your regional funding body.  The Bursary is free financial support of up to £3,500 a year for full-time undergraduate students, to help with your Cambridge fees or living costs. Like a scholarship or grant, the payment is non-refundable – you don’t need to pay it back. It doesn’t matter what you’re studying or which College you’re at. Higher amounts are available for medical students in their clinical years, independent students including care leavers, and students who were eligible for free school meals. 

External support for financial assistance 

Students should have sought the maximum support available from external sources before applying to the University's Financial Assistance Funds. It is expected that if a student has access to a government-supported, educational loan they will take out/extend this loan before applying for financial assistance from the University. 

University financial assistance for Postgraduate students

This Fund provides financial assistance to postgraduate students in unforeseen financial need. The awards are intended to support students who would otherwise be unable to complete their research or study. The Fund can consider limited awards.

University financial assistance for Undergraduate students 

This Fund provides financial assistance to undergraduate students in unforeseen financial need. The awards are intended to support students who would otherwise be unable to complete their course of study.  The Fund can consider limited awards.

Realise Financial Assistance Fund

Home Undergraduates on intermission who fall into one of the following groups as identified by The Realise Project:

  • Care experienced and estranged students
  • Refugee, asylum seeker and forced migrant students
  • Young carer students
  • Gypsy, Roma, traveller, showman and boater students

The Fund provides awards of up to £3,650.

The Crane Fund

The Crane Fund provides financial assistance to students in financial need who need treatment for physical or mental illness. The treatment applied for should not be conveniently or readily obtainable under the NHS or the University.

College does not expect students to pay directly for treatment agreed by Cranes.  Please arrange for all invoices to be sent to the Tutorial Office to arrange payment to be made to the provider directly from College. Payments will be made if the invoice is in accordance with that agreed by Cranes and within the time specified by Cranes. Once the treatment is completed College will claim the relevant monies back from Cranes. 

Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC) financial support 

Support and Guidance for students with medical or other requirements that may lead to some form of reasonable adjustment in relation to your study, exams living arrangements etc.

Childcare Bursary Scheme 

For students with dependant children

Loan Fund I 

Any student who finds themselves in unexpected financial need requiring a temporary loan

US Federal Loans

Please refer to information on the following websites in relation to applying for US Federal Loans. 

US loans for Cambridge students

Consumer information for Cambridge students