Downing College network: Rules and acceptable use
The Downing College network is connected to the Cambridge University Data Network (CUDN), which is, in turn, connected to the Joint Academic Network (Janet).
Both the CUDN and Janet have rules and Acceptable User Policies (AUPs) which regulate use of their networks.
The College is bound by its agreement with the CUDN to uphold these rules and AUPs. Other local rules are listed below.
As a condition of connection to the College network, you are expected to review these rules and policies and abide by them. Students found in contravention to the below rules and policies may have their network access suspended or revoked.
- UIS Rules made by the Information Service Committee.
- UIS Use and Misuse of Computing Facilities.
- UIS CUDN computers must support the PING function.
- UIS Copyright material on machines attached to the CUDN.
- Janet Acceptable Use Policy.
These rules may seem complicated but are, by and large, basic common sense and good network manners.
If you are in any doubt about the acceptability of an activity or behaviour, please refer to the sources above or contact the IT Department for advice.
In addition, Downing also requires that all computers connected to the College network must:
- Be kept up-to-date with operating system and application updates and relevant security patches.
- Have dedicated anti-virus software that is updated daily or equivalent anti-malware measures in place.
Students are not permitted to connect Wi-Fi routers or access points to the network. This is to prevent potential interference with the existing Wi-Fi as well as the severe, widespread, network disruption that can be caused by misconfigured routers.