
Subject Overview at Downing

Average places per year 3
Course duration 3 years BA (Hons)
Standard offer

A Level: A*AA at A level

IB: 41 - 43 points with 7, 7, 6 at Higher Level

Other qualifications: Refer to Entry Requirements

Course requirements Useful Subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Art, Design & Technology
Admission overview Typically a drawing test and a written test
Written work Visual portfolio required for interview, submitted in advance.
Interviews  1 x 40-minute interview
UCAS code K100
Campus code D

Why Study Architecture at Cambridge?

The study of Architecture grounds students in fundamental principles of structures, urbanism, environmental design and history, and develops students’ design skills in a way that links their work to wider architectural culture. Design is the core discipline in architectural education, and design-based studio work forms the major activity throughout the course. Architecture is truly interdisciplinary: it combines arts and sciences, exploring not just how we make buildings, but how human beings interact with their environment.

Successful completion of our full three-year undergraduate course carries exemption from the Architects Registration Board (ARB)/Royal Institute of British Architects’ (RIBA) Part 1 – the first stage in qualifying as an architect.

In the third year, students also have an opportunity to pursue their own individual interest through a 9,000-word dissertation. All of the teaching arranged by the Department takes place there and is supplemented by weekly small group or one-to-one supervisions provided by the College.

A more detailed account of the course and an indication of the nature of the studio design projects can be found on the Architecture Department website.

A high proportion of Downing's Architecture graduates proceed, through post-graduate study, into architectural practice. Cambridge has a range of postgraduate courses on offer. The majority of graduates gain highly competitive jobs within the industry. Many architecture graduates choose to take a year out in practice prior to gaining their RIBA Part II qualification. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the degree, graduates often find it simple to transition into other design disciplines.

The Department has a two-year MArch which provides students with the RIBA Part II qualification, the next step in the route to qualifying as a titled architect. The department also offers an apprenticeship programme that offers an alternative to the MArch based in practice. Cambridge offers a Professional Practice Course to prepare candidates for the RIBA Part 3 exams once they have completed the required number of years working in practice. Please contact the Department directly for more details of those courses.

Why Study Architecture at Downing?

Downing College boasts a vibrant community with strong links to architects, architectural historians and artists, who enrich the experience of its architecture students; the college currently hosts the Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture and boasts the Heong Gallery, a contemporary art space open to the public.

Who is Architecture at Downing College Looking For?

We aim to turn students into socially responsible architects and built environment specialists who are proficient in both the sciences and the arts of architecture.

Our students’ supervisions are tailored to suit their academic needs, development and inclinations. Successful professionals and academics are regularly invited to supervise our students, complementing their learning in the Department and expanding their horizons.

Architecture is a demanding subject; therefore we seek students who are fully committed and willing to work hard.

There is no prescribed route of studies leading to architecture, but a combined background in both the arts and sciences is the best preparation. An excellent result in A-Level or equivalent and a good portfolio are essential. A-Level Mathematics or Physics will be an advantage.

Candidates will attend 1 interview. We are looking for candidates with:

  • a strong academic background
  • artistic skills
  • creativity
  • a commitment to the discipline
  • an ability to think independently
  • a willingness to learn
  • curiosity

Candidates will be expected to prepare for the interview a portfolio of design or artwork representative of their creativity, range of skills and interests and discuss this work with the interviewers.

To prepare a portfolio, A-Level Art can be helpful, although, depending on each individual’s background and ability, formal art education may not be necessary. The aim of a portfolio is to showcase the candidate’s abilities on aspects relevant to architecture.

It is important that candidates do not over edit their portfolios so that they can show the full breadth of their skills and interests. Further guidance will be provided prior to interview.

The portfolio should demonstrate the candidate’s well-grounded creativity, artistic skills, and ability to interpret and communicate ideas and understanding relating to 2D and 3D objects and spaces within their contexts. The candidate should be prepared to describe and explain the ideas, purposes, motivation and working process behind each piece of work.

Portfolios can include all forms of 2D and 3D media, including models, drawings, sculptures, sketches, collages, digital animations, etc.

Further advice about entry requirements and interviews for all subjects can be found in the Applying to Downing section of this site.

Recommended Reading

These titles are given as a guide to help applicants gain a better understanding of the subject matter. They are not intended as preparatory reading and interviewers will not expect candidates necessarily to have read any of these titles.

History and Theory

Banham, R. A Critic Writes: Selected Essays by Reyner Banham. University of California Press, 1999.

Berger, J. Ways of Seeing. Penguin, 1972.

Curtis, W. Modern Architecture Since 1900, Phaidon, 1982.

Evans, R. Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays. Architectural Association Publications, 1996.

Frampton, K. Modern Architecture, a Critical History. Thames and Hudson, 1981.

Giedion, S. Space, Time and Architecture. MIT Press, 1973.

Gombrich, E. The Story of Art, Phaidon, 1966.

Koolhaas, R., & Mau, B. S,M,L,XL. Monacelli Press, 2002.

Loos, A. Ornament and Crime: Selected Essays. Ariadne Press, 1998.

von Moos, S. Le Corbusier: Elements of a Synthesis. MIT, 1979.

Pevsner, N. An Outline of European Architecture. Thames & Hudson, 2009.

Rasmussen, S. E. Experiencing Architecture. MIT Press, 1964.

Rossi, A. The Architecture of the City. MIT Press, 1982.

Rudofsky, B. Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture. University of New Mexico Press, 1987.

Scott-Brown, D. Venturi, R. & Izenour, S. Learning from Las Vegas. MIT Press, 1972.

Summerson, J. The Classical Language of Architecture, MIT Press, 1966.

Trachtenburg & Hayman, Architecture from Pre-History to Post-Modernism, Academy, 1986.

Construction, Structures and Environmental Design

Burberry. Environment and Services. Mitchells, 1986.

Ford, E.R. The Details of Modern Architecture. MIT, 1996.

Gordon. Structures - or Why Things Don’t Fall Down. Penguin, 1978.

Heyman. The Stone Skeleton. The University of Cambridge Press, 1996.

Maclean & Scott. The Penguin Dictionary of Building. Penguin, 1993.

McMullan. Environment Science in Building. MacMillan, 1998 (or more recent edition).

Szokolay. Introduction to Architectural Science: The Basis of Sustainable Design. Architectural Press, 2004.

Zalewski & Allen. Shaping Structures: Statics. John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

Supplementary Reading

Ballard, J.G. High-Rise. Penguin, 1985.

Calvino, I. Invisible Cities. Vintage Classics, 1997.

Perec, G. Species of Spaces and Other Pieces. Penguin Classics, 1998.

Sebald, W.G. Austerlitz. Penguin, 2011.

Spector, The Ethical Architect. Princeton Architectural Press (2001).

Wolfe, T. From Bauhaus to Our House. Farier Straus Giroux, 1981.

Useful links

Department of Architecture

ARCSOC is the University of Cambridge’s Architecture Society

Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture

Royal Institute of British Architects

Architects Registration Board