
Subject Overview

Average places per year 2
Course duration 3 years - BA (Hons)
Standard offer A level: A*AA
IB: 41-43 points and 776 at Higher Level
Course requirements You do not need to have previously studied Philosophy to apply, and there are no compulsory subjects for entry: arts and science subjects are equally relevant.
Admission assessment  Two short exams are completed prior to interviews, You do not need to register in advance.
Written work  2 pieces of written work, produced in the course of your studies
Interview  2 x 30-minute interviews in the same day 
UCAS code V500
Campus code D

Why Study Philosophy at Downing?

Philosophy explores the most fundamental questions about the universe—from the structure of consciousness, to the nature of value—with clarity, rigour, and sophistication. The Faculty of Philosophy at Cambridge has a long and distinguished history, counting the likes of Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Elizabeth Anscombe among its former members, and continues to provide world-class teaching and research. The undergraduate course in Philosophy (aka the Philosophy ‘Tripos’) is divided into three stages, each lasting a year. The first year provides a grounding in logic, ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. The second year consolidates and builds on this grounding, while simultaneously allowing students to pick from a broader range of more specialised topics. In the final year, the range of options is broadened to include subjects as varied as aesthetics, the philosophy of science, and the foundations of mathematics, as well as facilitating the study of authors as diverse as Aristotle, Anne Conway, and Immanuel Kant.

Downing Philosophy is a small but welcoming community, drawn from a wide range of backgrounds. The College itself is just a short (and pleasant) walk from the Sidgwick Site, where the Philosophy Faculty is located, and where most lectures and classes take place. In addition to these lectures and classes, teaching in Philosophy is based on weekly ‘supervisions,’ usually one-on-one sessions based in Colleges, which are organised by the subject’s Director of Studies: at Downing, we have an established network of excellent supervisors from across the University, who are able to support learning across the full syllabus. In addition to a well-stocked library, Downing also has an especially vibrant cultural life, with exhibitions of modern and contemporary art at the Heong Gallery, theatre productions in the newly built Howard Theatre, and an in-house literary magazine, The Leaves.

Who are we looking for?

Philosophy asks complex and demanding questions of even our most basic assumptions about the world, and—in short—we are looking for candidates who display both a passion and an aptitude for confronting such questions. It is not necessary to have studied Philosophy before reading the subject at Cambridge, and the Philosophy Tripos is taught on the assumption that it has not been formally studied beforehand. Interviews and admissions processes are also designed to help candidates exhibit their abilities, regardless of prior experience. Students with A-Levels (or equivalent) in either arts or science subjects are equally acceptable: competence in mathematics can be useful, although studying the subject beyond GCSE (or equivalent) is not necessarily an advantage, let alone a prerequisite. Intellectual fearlessness and a capacity for critical thinking are always the most important qualities we look for. Further advice about entry requirements and interviews for all subjects can be found at the Apply to Downing section of this site.

How can you find out more about Philosophy at Cambridge? 

Further details about the Philosophy Tripos can be found on the Faculty of Philosophy website—including a helpful course information guide—and the University’s course webpage. The Philosophy Faculty will be taking part in University-wide open days on the 4th and 5th of July 2024, and more information about these can be found on the Faculty website.