Part-time postgraduate students
A warm welcome to all our new part-time postgraduate students. Further information about starting your new course at Downing is now available:
We are looking forward to meeting you when you arrive in Cambridge for your first scheduled residential session. Please find a student plan of the College to assist you on arrival.
As the method of study and rhythm of the academic year is somewhat different to other degrees, it is hoped that the following information will outline what you need to know about being a part-time student at Downing College. If you have any further questions, please contact the Graduate Admissions Officer. Alternatively, the Tutorial and Admissions Office is located on 'B' staircase and the office staff will help you with any queries you may have. If you have difficulty visiting during the opening hours, please contact the Tutorial and Admissions Office to make other arrangements.
Information for Visa Holders
If you have a visa (in the form of a Biometric Residence Permit or BRP) to study in the UK the College Tutorial Office will scan this on your arrival, together with your passport, as the University is required to do so within seven days of your first entry into the UK. For visa advice, please refer to the International Student Office website.
Induction and Registration
The timetable for your induction and registration is as follows:
University Student Registration | You will be emailed by the University in August or September to undertake this process |
College Identification Checks and University Card Collection | On your arrival in Cambridge (must be during your first residential session) |
College Online Induction and Registration on Moodle | Tuesday 1 October to Friday 11 October |
Firstly, you will be emailed by the University in August or September to update your personal information. At the end of this process you will collect your Cambridge email address and passwords. Please do not attempt to register until you receive an email asking you to log in to your Self-service account and complete the University Student Registration process.
Secondly, you will need to attend the Tutorial and Admissions Office during office hours to provide original documentation to confirm your identity on your arrival in Cambridge. We will be unable to register you without this. You will also be issued with your University Card. It is increasingly used around the University and College to grant access to services and facilities. Click here for further information regarding the uses and benefits of the University Card. An electronic copy of your registration document is available here.
The final part of the College Registration procedure requires all students at Downing to read and agree to the following terms & conditions and College policies within the two weeks of Term as a requirement of living and studying at Downing. You will be able to do this online on Moodle from Tuesday 1 October until the deadline on Friday 11 October.
Terms & Conditions or College Policy: |
Alcohol Policy |
Data Protection Statement (Students) |
Plagiarism Policy |
Respect and Dignity Policy |
University Card: Terms and Conditions of Use |
Please also read and refer to the following information:
- Rules and Guidelines
- Accommodation Handbook [if staying in College accommodation]
- Bicycles, Cars and Parking in College [please note, parking is not available in College for part-time students]
- Getting Started with IT @ Cambridge Leaflet
- IT Matters @ Cambridge Leaflet
- College IT and Computing Information
- The Counselling Service: General Information for Students
Matriculation marks your formal admission to membership of the University and College. You will remain a member of Downing College for life and, as such you will be entitled to book guest rooms, use the dining and bar facilities, internet and computer resources, as well as access the College Library.
Your timetable for Matriculation is as follows. Please complete and return the Matriculation Ceremony and Dinner Form to the Tutorial and Admissions Office by Friday 30 August at the latest indicating your attendance and any special dietary requirements. The date of your matriculation will be communicated to you in due course but it will be held during your first course residential dates (your Course Programme Administrator is aware of the date). Please contact the Tutorial and Admissions Office to confirm your attendance. Please note, if you have previously matriculated as a Downing undergraduate or postgraduate, you do not need to matriculate again, but you are invited to attend both the group photograph and Matriculation Dinner.
6.00 pm to 6.15 pm | College Welcome and Drinks' Reception in the Senior Combination Room (SCR) - Please enter via the Fellows' Garden |
6.15 pm to 6.30 pm | Group Photograph in the Fellows' Garden |
6.30 pm to 7.30 pm | Matriculation Ceremony in the SCR |
7.30 pm to 10.00 pm | Matriculation Dinner in the College Dining Hall on A staircase |
Dress code is as follows, which is defined without reference to considerations of gender identity or expression:
- Smart dark suit
- Long, smart trousers or a smart skirt (dark colours only)
- Shirt or blouse (shirts should be collared and worn with a tie or cravat)
- Smart dark dress (not party wear)
- Smart dark shoes (no trainers)
- Jeans, shorts or other casual clothing is not allowed
- An academic gown must be worn throughout (please do not borrow/purchase a gown from a student from another College as the gowns for each College are different)
Please email if you have any concerns about dress code or gowns.
Academic Gown/Purchase
Wearing a gown is a symbol of your joining the community of scholars. You first wear a gown for Matriculation. You will also need a gown for other formal occasions, to attend Formal Hall and for your graduation. It may be possible to hire, borrow or purchase gowns, subject to availability, for such occasions from the Graduate Union. However, many new postgraduate students opt to have a gown of their own, which can be purchased directly from Ryder & Amies. Before ordering your gown, when the College has received notification of your confirmed place, the Tutorial and Admissions Office will email a voucher code (from mid-august onwards), which is redeemed at checkout to receive a discount on the cost of any postgraduate gown over £50.00. It is important to wear the correct gown. Consequently, please contact the outfitter if you require any guidance before making a purchase. Alternatively, please refer to the Graduate Union's Gown Guide for further information. Gowns are available at a reduced price of £42.50 compared to significantly higher prices in the city (approximate cost £95 for a BA gown or £110 for an MA gown).
College Charges
Payment for all catering charges can be made at the time of purchase either by debit or credit card (Visa or MasterCard only). Please note, the College does not accept cash payments. Alternatively, you may opt for a College account in order to charge items such as guest room accommodation and meals consumed in College. College accounts are invoiced at the beginning of each Term and must be settled in full by the due date specified on the bill. You will be required to pay a College Surety of £300 directly to the College which will be refunded to you at the end of your period of study. Please contact the Bursary in order to arrange for this facility to be activated.
As part of your College membership you also receive life membership of the Downing Alumni Association.
Eating at Downing College
There is up-to-date dining information here including the opening hours for the College Servery, a self-service cafeteria, and The Butterfield Café, which serves breakfast and, later in the day, a range of hot and cold baguettes, snacks, cakes and speciality coffees.
Formal Hall is held on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evenings from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm during Term only. Further information can be found here. Please note that an active College account is required in order to make a booking (see College Charges above).
You are allocated a pigeonhole in the Porters’ Lodge so that any post addressed to you at Downing College will be placed here. If you wish your post to be forwarded to your residential address, please notify the Deputy Head Porter. The cost of postage must be paid for in advance.
Postgraduate Tutors
You will be assigned a Postgraduate Tutor at Downing College. Postgraduate Tutors are responsible for your general welfare and will represent you in official contacts with the central administration of the University. You will find out which Tutor you have been allocated as part of the College online Induction and Registration process.
It is in your best interest to inform your Graduate Tutor as soon as any illness or difficulty occurs which is likely to affect study or examination performance. In such cases, Tutors help to deal with health or other personal problems and are in a position to assist with special needs, disabilities or access issues. Requests to take examinations under special conditions, due to disability or illness, can be arranged by the Tutor, who is contactable at any time throughout the year by email. Your Tutor can be seen by appointment and such appointments should be made via email. In an emergency contact the Tutorial & Admissions Office (+44 (0)1223 334811) or the Porters’ Lodge out of office hours (+44 (0)1223 334800).
Student Health Practitioner
The Student Health Practitioner can provide you with nursing care, treatment, advice and support within clinic times. Registration with the Student Health Practitioner is optional for part-time students, but if during your time in Cambridge you wish to see a Nurse, registration will be carried out as part of the initial consultation. If you wish to make an appointment, please visit Moodle.
It is important that your immunisations are up to date prior to your arrival in Cambridge; please see the University's advice and vaccine checklist for newly arriving students regarding the MenACWY (Meningitis), MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and Influenza (flu) vaccinations. Please make arrangements to be immunised now, if necessary.
Downing College MCR Events and Facebook
Part-time students become part of the Middle Combination Room (MCR) a multi-disciplinary, culturally diverse and international community, closely integrated into the academic and social life of the College.
If you would like a tour of the College with a member of the MCR (a postgraduate student) at the beginning of the academic year (1 October), please contact the MCR directly.
The MCR website lists forthcoming events. You are very welcome to attend these.
The members of the MCR want to help you feel at home at Downing and enjoy life in Cambridge to the fullest when you are here. If you find yourself in Cambridge during Freshers' Week you are most welcome to participate in any of the 'orange' events listed here to enable you to meet some like-minded, friendly people.
The MCR's Facebook page is Downing MCR Events. You will automatically be added to the MCR mailing list through which their events are advertised. All postgraduate students are automatically members of the MCR (Middle Combination Room).
Alumni Events
As part of your College membership you also receive life membership of the Downing Alumni Association.
Alumni events take place in Cambridge, London, USA, Hong Kong and other destinations across the world. Part-time students are added to the mailing list of Alumni events now, rather than after graduation, to enable you to access these wider events. You will be warmly welcomed.
As a part-time student, we would expect you to graduate together with the rest of the cohort. Your Course Administrator will contact you nearer the time to confirm the arrangements. To be entered for graduation, you must book a place. Information about graduation and booking can be found here. If you have any queries, please contact the Tutorial and Admissions Office.