Requirements for living and studying at Downing for postgraduates
Requirements for living and studying at Downing for Postgraduates
- You are required to see your Graduate Tutor at the start of your course. This meeting is obligatory! The beginning of Michaelmas Term appointments will be published online via Moodle from the beginning of October onwards. If you are unable to keep an appointment it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements. You are encouraged to discuss with your Graduate Tutor any special needs you may have as early as possible. This includes students with unseen disabilities or illness. It is your responsibility to make your needs known to us.
- All new students must read and agree to specific College policies and terms & conditions within the first two weeks of Term as a requirement of living and studying at Downing. Please also refer to the College rules and guidelines as required.
- If you are living in Downing College accommodation, you must undertake on your arrival an inventory and condition report of the fixtures, fittings and furniture in your College room to avoid the cost of any damages caused by previous occupants being charged to your College bill. This must be completed at the start of Michaelmas Term.
- If you have been allocated accommodation at Downing, you must sign in to collect your key and/or University Card. You must also sign out whenever you are away overnight from Cambridge.
- You must have an academic gown before your Matriculation. Discounted gowns are available to purchase from Ryder & Amies.
- Emailed College newsletters, the Downing Electronic Newsletter or 'DEN', are sent at frequent intervals throughout the year. Please ensure that you read these as they contain important information which is not distributed in any other format.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Tutorial and Admissions Office or the MCR President should you require any further information.
College policies and terms and conditions for postgraduates
All students starting a new course at Downing must read and agree to the following terms & conditions and College policies within the first two weeks of Term as a requirement of living and studying at Downing. You will be able to do this online on Moodle at the beginning of Michmaelmas term. The terms & conditions and College policies are as follows:
- Accommodation Handbook (please note, this is only relevant if you are living in Downing accommodation)
- Alcohol Policy
- Data Protection Statement (Students)
- Plagiarism Policy
- Respect and Dignity Policy
- University Card: Terms and Conditions of Use
See also the Downing College rules and guidelines page.
Bicycles in College
All student bicycles must be marked with a unique personal number which will be allocated to you by the Porters. Please ask the Porters for further details once you arrive in Cambridge.
Keeping a car in Cambridge
The University ordinances prohibit all students from keeping a car in Cambridge, save in the most exceptional circumstances. Any student who is able to make a case for having a car in Cambridge must obtain the prior approval of the College and University authorities. No parking of student vehicles in College is permitted without such prior consent. Application for permission to park in College is made via the Student Forms portal. For further information or queries please contact the College Office.