Personal development for postgraduates
Personal development
During your time in the university you will be given various opportunities both in your academic work and other activities to develop skills that will be transferable to situations outside academic work and study. You are encouraged to use these opportunities to develop your skills. The process of identifying skills that you might need for your course, your career or other areas of activities, and then looking for opportunities to develop those skills is called personal development planning. You are encouraged to keep a file or record of the opportunities that you have used to develop these skills. To find out how to do this, please read the document, Your Progress File and Personal Development Planning.
Introducing CamGuides - A resource for new taught Master's students
CamGuides is a resource for Master's students with a taught element, and is designed to be an introduction to some of the academic, research and digital practices that postgraduate students engage in. It encourages you to think about ways you can prepare for your Master's degree before it starts.
Writing and study skills seminars
To encourage you to fulfill your potential here, Downing has arranged a series of practical sessions on writing and study skills. Attendance at these sessions is strongly recommended. Not only will the development of these skills help you to improve and hone all aspects of your work here at Cambridge, but they will prove invaluable later on. Please refer to the full course description and instructions on how to book. The online booking facility is here.